Silicon Valley Innovation Center
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As you might imagine the team here at Silicon Valley Innovation Center regularly comes across new ways of doing things. We figured at this time of year you are probably facing the annual challenges of deciding what to buy for the holiday season. Either as a present for others or for yourself. Between your day job and your evening events shopping can be a drag.

To brighten your mood we’ve made a “wrap up” (get it?) of innovations in retail that we would love to see next holiday season. So without further adieu a Christmas List of Holiday Cheer.

From the SVIC Blog

No checkout lines ever? Yes please!

How Amazon Go’s trial grocery store is disrupting retail and saving time for business and consumers.

See Why everyone is talking about the magic potential of Augmented Reality.

IKEA  is one of the first companies to make a real world applicable use case for augmented reality.

8 Reasons Banks Should Partner in FinTech (Infographic)

Of all the disruption occurring today, the banking sector is getting hit the hardest. Smart banks are already looking at innovative solutions to increase customer loyalty and ease of use. Here are 8 reasons banks should partner with fintech startups.

Drones for Business (Infographic)

Drones are one of the fastest growing technology segments of the last year. From crop dusting fields to carrying heavy loads to remote places below are six B2B uses for drones.

Thank You Note, from Toyota Material Handling to SVIC, “On Behaf of Toyota Material Handling, we would like to thank you for your warm welcome your hospitality and all the information you shared with us during your visit…”


Want to see how you can leverage SIlicon Valley resources for your company and career? Join one of our upcoming programs:

Leading Digital Transformation – Executive Immersion Program –  December 11-15, Mar 12-16, July 9-13, Silicon Valley, CA

The program includes 5 full days of immersive experience with the most innovative Silicon Valley companies. It is designed specifically for corporate executives leading digital transformation initiatives.

Early bird registration open now. View the agenda.

Navigating Fintech Disruption – Executive Immersion Program – Feb 12-16, May 14-18, Silicon Valley, CA

Built for financial services executives, the program includes 5 full days of immersive experience with the most innovative Silicon Valley companies and presentations by experts to provide insights into the impact of technology innovations on finance. Learn more.


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