
Expert advisory services from leading Silicon Valley practitioners

What is technology consulting?

As new technologies appear faster than ever before, companies face the increasingly complex task of choosing which ones are right for them. Technology consulting simplifies this process, offering expert guidance on where and how different technologies can be applied to generate maximum business value. With the help of a technology consultant, corporations can quickly identify technology solutions to challenges such as how to replace legacy systems or improve the customer journey.

What’s Special About our Technology Consulting Services?

Technology consulting with Silicon Valley Innovation Center means your company connects with our extensive expert network. In more than a decade of operation in Silicon Valley we have built an unrivalled portfolio of industry thought leaders and innovation practitioners from top SIlicon Valley tech companies and disruptive startups.

When you work with us, experts from our network become your technology consultants. They turn their first-hand knowledge of developments in your industry into the practical, individually tailored advice your company needs to embrace new technologies and stay ahead of disruption.

Our Unique Approach


Disruption is happening in your industry as startups leveraging new technologies offer innovative products and services. How do you formulate and realize a strategy to keep up?


Reach out to Silicon Valley Innovation Center for technology consulting services. Taking into account you company’s unique value proposition, its size and ambitions we match you to one of our vetted industry experts.


Our expert is an innovation practitioner who understands the changes happening in your industry because the company they work for is at the forefront of making those changes happen. Acting as your consultant, our expert applies that knowledge to your business, helping you select and apply the right technologies to stay ahead of disruption.

What You Get

When you engage Silicon Valley Innovation Center for technology consulting services, we can provide a range of deliverables. The specific outcomes of your collaboration with us will be tailored to the needs and aspirations of your company. Deliverables include:

Consulting services from one or more experts from top Silicon Valley companies. Sessions can take place in Silicon Valley, at your company’s offices or via remote link-up

Comprehensive assessment of technology gaps and opportunities within your organization

Strategy blueprints and implementation roadmaps for applying new technologies to achieve your company’s desired business outcomes

What Our Clients Say

I think it was fantastic to be able to be here in Silicon Valley because Silicon Valley is all about latest technologies which make it a unique experience. Visiting Salesforce, SVIC, Google, Amazon WeWork was an amazingly immersive experience – brings us closer to the new near future and innovation. This is the experience that every business person should do. Thank you
Isabel Noboa
CEO at Grupo Nobis, Ecuador
It’s my second trip like this to SIlicon Valley. This time we have been more focused on tech startups influencing our current and future growth, and the industry in general. We found some great startups to work with, that inspired us, challenged us and our thinking. We are so very happy with the program. Thank you very much.
Jo Verbeek
President and Chairman, Sonepar, Asia-Pacific Region
We’re here today bringing along some inspiring innovative leaders to Silicon Valley to get them to get an experience of and help and networking around, and how to make the best decisions within their organizations as entrepreneurs. There were some great takeouts and some really great examples of how to navigate organizations over the next 2-3 years.
Daren Wells
COO of Talent International, UK

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