Silicon Valley Innovation Center
We help global corporations grow by empowering them with new technologies, top experts and best startups
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Innovation and Tech Resources Hub

Access the latest trends, best practices, educational materials, and support services designed to drive technological advancement and innovative thinking in your organisation.

How will technology change how businesses interact with consumers and other businesses? What will the future of the workplace look like? Get an insider look at the fast approaching future of business innovation in Leading Digital Transformation executive immersion program.

In this 5-day immersion program, you’ll visit the companies making waves, gain insights directly from innovation experts, and hear from digital native startups about new opportunities. Below you’ll find a sampling of what this executive immersion program has to offer to innovation driven executives.

Exclusive visits to famous Silicon Valley companies

Gain a competitive advantage by visiting the companies that have been through innovation and learn from their mistakes and successes.


Imagine designing a game that is no longer played. No one enjoys failure, but that’s exactly where Slack sprouted from. Today, Slack has over 8 million users. How can a company turn a failure into a success? See how the innovative technologies behind Slack can help your business create a flexible and collaborative workplace – where failures become another opportunity to succeed.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

From personal computers to enterprise solutions, how does a technology company move from physical product to IoT and cloud business services? Learn how HPE transitioned from traditional technology platforms to the IT systems of the future. See how technology innovation can promote business transformation and new growth.

Face-to-face talks with 20+ innovation experts

Experience a personal touch to your innovation strategy from the experts who live and breathe business transformation.

Mike Sigal

An early-stage investor, entrepreneur, and strategic advisor, Mike Sigal is one of the top experts on innovation and business transformation. He’ll provide you with a roadmap to navigate the ecosystem of venture capital firms in Silicon Valley. Mike Sigal will also provide a strategy for advancing your corporate innovation through investing in the right startup.

Gregory La Blanc

Faculty Director and Instructor of UC Berkeley Center for Executive Education, Gregory La Blanc has the experience and knowledge about digital transformation and innovation to provide the foundation for your company’s innovation strategy. Gregory La Blanc will guide you through problem definition, ideation, and the new approaches to customer-centricity in light of new mega trends and emerging technologies.

Presentations from 30 top-notch startups

See what the disruptive startups are doing before they disrupt your industry.


A strong digital marketing and sales strategy is essential to drive business growth with consumers and businesses utilizing ecommerce and mobile apps. Branch helps thousands of today’s top brands drive the best mobile experiences through its powerful linking infrastructure, cross-channel and cross-platform attribution and seamless integration with the entire marketing stack.


ICIX has helped some of the largest retailers solve issues of supply chain transparency and inefficient information sharing. ICIX connects all trading partners into a single network to centralize collaboration. Learn how ICIX created a smart supply chain through blockchain and how to apply their approach of efficiency to your business.

Ready to upscale your innovation strategy and promote new business growth?

Register now for the Leading Digital Transformation program. Experience the technology and ideas that revolutionize businesses.


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