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Human-Centered Design in an AI World

About the Past, Webinar

As Picasso famously said, “we are all born artists, the challenge is to remain one as we age.” How can we expect innovation to emerge from the same mindset? We teach the framework of design thinking that requires participants to suspend their belief in “the way we’ve always done things,” and adopt a “beginners mindset,” of curiosity and creativity. Through shared tools, practices, and mindsets you can infuse these skills into your team or across your organization. The webinar will introduce you to the tools and practices of innovation, to deep customer insights, and to Design Thinking in a variety of business contexts.

You'll Learn

  • The value of gathering new information before making decisions
  • Apply design thinking principles at the team level (with case study)
  • Adopting a “design is strategy” mindset across the organization (or the “Monday Morning” problem)



Jeff Eyet And Clark KelloggThe Berkley Innovation Group, Co-Founders

About Our Guest

Jeff Eyet is a radical diverger who prototypes through stories, and Clark Kellogg is a curious soul who brings an unending passion for creativity to their Design Thinking practice at the UC Berkeley Haas School of Business and the Berkeley Innovation Group. Clark and Jeff have led strategy work with Recology, the Oakland A’s, UC Health, and Mills College. Also, they offer an online design thinking certification to compliment their in-person facilitation.
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