What Will I Learn?
Our immersion program will show you how, why and by whom the travel and hospitality industry is being disrupted. It will also teach you how to capitalize on the trends and technologies driving this digital transformation so that you can achieve innovation within your own organization. We cover topics such as:

Mobile remains an important technology for the hospitality sector; our immersion program will show you why. As mobile phone penetration continues to grow globally, booking everything through a smart device will become more prevalent, as will other “smart” aspects of the travel experience including opening hotel doors via bluetooth, downloading boarding passes for flights and hailing a ride home from the airport.

AI and Chatbots
Brick-and-mortar travel agencies are few and far between, instead we have a plethora of online portals and to go with them chatbots to field customer queries. Hotels are using artificial intelligence platforms to provide guests with all the information they need, order breakfast or set an alarm. Our travel and hospitality program will show you where and how bots are used today and introduce you to the companies building the “smart” platforms of tomorrow.

Internet of Things
Join our immersion program to discover how the internet of things is changing hospitality in exciting new ways. Totally connected and integrated devices mean incredible guest experiences. And when everything turns into a data sensor, that information is the lifeblood of the digitally transformed organization, feeding back into products and processes to delight consumers over and over again.

Virtual Reality
Virtual reality is becoming a crucial marketing tool, the ultime “try before you buy” experience. We educate you in how the hospitality and travel industry is making a big bet on the technology and introduce you to the startups building the virtual reality platforms that will disrupt the industry.