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The Restaurant
Of The Future

An immersive 5-day program for hospitality and restaurant executives

Available Online and In Person

What Is An Executive Immersion Program?

Billions of dollars of venture capital have flown into the restaurant tech sector in recent years, a phenomenon that speaks to the potential of technology to radically transform the experience of eating out. In fact, a great number of innovations have already taken place, across diverse areas such as mobile payments, customer relationship management, smart kitchens, reservation and review platforms and many others. In response to this intense period of innovation activity, we’ve seen the creation of a new ecosystem comprised of food tech accelerators and venture capitalists, digitally-savvy restaurants, and legacy players seeking to adapt. Our immersion program will educate you in all of these trends, connect you with the companies pioneering groundbreaking solutions and inspire you to turn your own company into a leading innovator capable of long-term growth.

Restaurant Tech startup innovation map

What Will I Learn?

Our immersion program is made up of sessions with leading companies operating at the forefront of major trends in the restaurant tech space such as:

Software as a Service

Cloud-based software packages, or software-as-a-service (SaaS), are radically changing the way our restaurants, bars and cafes are run. SaaS startups serving the hospitality industry include Partender, for fast bar inventory, PayMyTab, a cloud platform covering several aspects of the hospitality trade from loyalty programs to payments, and EventSorbet, a SaaS solution for restaurants to generate leads.


Mobile apps and platforms continue to spread in the restaurant industry, covering a variety of functions. Bluecart, for example, is built to streamline and modernize the wholesale procurement process for buyers and sellers. Allset, meanwhile, is an app for pre-ordering, and pre-paying for, meals to avoid wait times in restaurants, while Qless is a remote queuing system that means customers no longer need to stand in lines to wait for a table.


E-commerce for dining is a big industry in itself and a major site of innovation. Startups in this space include ChefMealKits, where users can buy meal kits from their favorite restaurants or chefs, and Eat Club, which is aimed at companies, allowing them to have food delivered from local restaurants through a web or mobile device. White-label platforms for restaurants to create and manage their own online ordering and delivery systems are also seeing significant growth. Examples include ChowNow, an online ordering platform that provides restaurants with a way to offer online ordering to customers via either Facebook pages, branded mobile apps or existing websites.

Food Delivery

Going hand-in-hand with e-commerce are food delivery startups such as Coolbuck, an online restaurant delivering meals prepared in a central kitchen, and JoyRun, a peer-to-peer platform for community-based group deliveries. Doordash, meanwhile, which has raised some $2 billion in venture funding, provides on-demand food delivery from local restaurants.

Program Agenda

This schedule is tentative and features past speakers and participating companies.
Subject to change without prior notice

Day 1

Reinventing the Restaurant

How is the hospitality sector changing with the spread of new technologies and where is this journey taking us? Why is the digital revolution happening now and what are the forces driving its expansion? These are the questions we answer on day 1 of our immersion program on The Future of Dining We explain how startups have capitalized on industry trends, new technologies and the ready availability of venture funding to create companies addressing the hospitality industry’s pain points and inefficiencies. We visit companies such as ChowNow, a branded online ordering system for independent restaurants, Bluecarta web and mobile platform to streamline wholesale procurement for buyers and sellers, and Presto, a digital dining room solution with pay-at-the-table functionality. Other possible participating companies: Eat ClubChewseAllsetCreatorZeroCater

Day 2


The journey continues on day two with an exploration of the limits of the disruption to the hospitality sector as they exist today. How many areas are seeing radical change? What is the nature of this change and how fast is it moving? We answer these questions through visits to startups operating in a wide range of niches. Potential meetings include: OpenTable, an online restaurant reservation and review platform, Qless, a remote queuing system, and Luka, developers of a messaging app with AI-powered chatbots that help users find places to eat.

Day 3

Emerging Technologies for Restaurants

Day three of the immersion program is dedicated to the technologies fueling the disruption of the hospitality sector. We hear from experts in artificial intelligenceroboticsmobile, and internet of things, to learn what these technologies can currently do and what they will offer in the future. We visit companies such as OrderAheadChowbotics and Plate IQ to see how they use emerging technologies to create competitive advantages and provide innovative, market-disrupting products and services.

Day 4

Corporate Innovation for Hospitality

Having seen and heard how digital is disrupting the restaurant industry on days 1 to 3, on day 4 of our immersion program we challenge attendees to turn words into action. Participatory workshops with leading Silicon Valley experts on design thinkingdesign sprintsventure capital and open innovation provide executives with the blueprints and frameworks they need to deliver innovation within their own organization. We analyze how some of the biggest names in hospitality are adapting their businesses to digital and survey the industry’s success in collaborating with the startup ecosystem. Possible company visits include Thayer Ventures, a venture capital firm focused on investing in technology companies for the travel and hospitality industries, and the Silicon Valley outpost of McDonald’s. Other potential meetings include the big tech companies such as AmazonGoogleApple and Oracle to see how they are getting involved in the restaurant industry and learn how they maintain cultures of constant innovation. Other possible participating companies: DoorDashPartenderFarm HillBim AppFork spot

Day 5

The Future of Dining

What’s next for the digital disruption of restaurants? Day 5 brings the program to a close with its sights firmly set on the future. We learn about trends still in their infancy and meet the companies seeking to capitalize on those trends. Possible visits include: Zume Pizza, an automated pizza delivery platform; Bistrobot, makers of sandwich-making robots; and Innit, developers a connected food platform offering consumers a personalized eating experience. Will food preparation and service eventually be entirely automated? How will restaurants leverage the data they are collecting now to provide even more innovative customer experiences in future? We explore answers to these questions and look ahead to the areas of the restaurant business next in line to be disrupted be emerging technologies. Other possible participating companies: PayMyTabEatWithParedFreeMonee, CoPilot Labs

Download Full Sample Agenda

Why Should I Join?


Meet the Silicon Valley innovators passionate about using the latest technologies to create new value. Learn the frameworks and methodologies of the experts and embrace innovation with confidence.

Long-term value

Apply newly learned innovation skills to your own company to ensure its survival and prosperity in times of technological disruption.


Turn motivation and knowledge into concrete actions with the business development opportunities that make an established business a world-class innovator.   

Technology insights

See the disruptive power of the latest technologies and learn how they are being applied to solve humanity’s greatest challenges.


Gain insight into the digital disruption of the restaurant industry and see how startups are applying emerging technologies to transform the experience of eating out.

New perspectives

Challenge your thinking on what it means to run an enterprise in the 21st century. Make innovation part of your personal mission and commit to the future of your business.

What Companies Will I Meet?

Food & Bar Inventory: From 6 Hours to 15 Minutes

PayMyTab is a SaaS cloud platform for the hospitality industry. Combines Payments, Mobile, Loyalty and CRM seamlessly with existing POS

EventSorbet is an end-to-end SaaS solution for restaurants to generate incremental and substantial sales.

BlueCart™ is a web and mobile platform built to streamline and modernize the wholesale procurement process for buyers and sellers.

Dine wait free at restaurants you love. Live in NYC, LA, SF, Chicago, Houston, and more. Dine-in and Pickup.

QLess is a platform that provides mobile, remote and interactive queueing; analytics; real-time CRM; and marketing.

ChefMealKits is an e-commerce platform that allows you to buy meal kits from your favorite restaurants and chefs.

EAT Club is a food technology company allowing offices to order and get food delivered from local restaurants via the web or mobile devices.

ChowNow powers branded online ordering systems for independent restaurants through the restaurants’ own websites.

Coolbuck is the first online restaurant. We deliver delicious & healthy foods to diners from our central kitchen. We offer a wide cuisine.

JoyRun is a community based delivery company.

OpenTable allows users to discover and make online restaurant reservations and read reviews from other diners.

Presto digitizes the dining room for restaurants and makes them smarter and more profitable.

ZeroCater is a provider of office meals and snacks, bringing employees together to build culture and foster community.

OrderAhead powers mobile ordering for pickup at thousands of restaurants and local merchants

Google is a multinational corporation that is specialized in internet-related services and products.

Plate IQ saves restaurants time and money by automating their invoice processing and accounts payable.

Thayer Ventures (Thayer) invests in Travel Technology.

Farm Hill provides a fresh and healthy meal delivery service.

Oracle is an integrated cloud applications and platform services.

Innit is an "eating technology" company that has developed the world's first Connected Food Platform.

Forkspot is a dual sided platform that helps restaurants grow.

Bim App is a French restaurant table booking app that allows users to view best tables available in real time around them.

Pared is an on-demand tool for restaurant workers.

Copilot Labs is an online portal offering point-of-sale connected marketing intelligence information for restaurants.

Bistrobot makes robots that make sandwiches.

FreeMonee enables merchants to offer cash gifts to customers in motivating them to visit their stores.

Creator is a collective of food lovers and engineers with decades of robotics and restaurant experience.

Amazon is an international e-commerce website for consumers, sellers, and content creators.

EatWith is a community that invites people to dine in homes, connect with hosts, share stories and enjoy homemade cuisine.

Chowbotics uses robots to solve several problems in food service including compromised cleanliness and inefficiency.

Chewse is a platform that allows companies to handle their food catering and workplace culture needs.

Zume Pizza is a food delivery company that operates an automated pizza delivery platform.

DoorDash enables small businesses to provide its customers with local delivery services.

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Price starts at: USD $8900

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