Silicon Valley Innovation Center
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STC Leadership Program


STC Leadership Program


February 3rd-February 7th, 2020


Executives of STC, Saudi Arabia


Silicon Valley, CA, USA


What Customers Asked​

-Acquire insight into principles and practices of digital leadership to support digital transformation -Lead effectively, integrating direction, alignment and commitment across the enterprise for greater agility and market capture -Collaborate across boundaries through informal networking and shared experiences with other executives in the programs -Leverage polarities to focus on managing dilemmas and solving key problems throughout STC

What We Did

The focus of the immersion was to enable STC leaders to embrace lessons from innovative tech organisations, in related industries, that have successfully undergone internal change with the right technology in order to transform themselves.

Results & Outcomes

STC leaders emerged with immediate connections and clear sense of how companies have solved similar organizational issues, and what they (STC leaders) can do at an individual, team and organizational level, to lead effectively.

Participating companies

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