Silicon Valley Innovation Center
We help global corporations grow by empowering them with new technologies, top experts and best startups
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Our Location


People’s Choice Credit Union


The Rise of Digital Platforms


March 9th-March 13th, 2020


C-level executives of People's Choice, Australia


Silicon Valley, CA, USA


What Customers Asked​

-Explore new, platform-based business models relevant to banking and finance industry -Meet the startups and tech companies pioneering new business and consumer solutions in financial services

What We Did

SVIC built a 5-day immersion program for People’s Choice that covered a range of topics including the future of platforms, emerging technologies in banking, innovation in fintech. The program, though wide-ranging in its content, was at the same time very much focused on the future of finance, and sought to help the People’s Choice group understand how the changes taking place today will affect them going forward.

Results & Outcomes

Discovered breakthrough technologies, reflected on and learnt about implications of new technologies in banking. Got an introduction to the seismic shift disrupting the business status quo, learnt how leading platforms are succeeding with the strategy of self-disruption and how to extract opportunity from this challenge.

Participating companies

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