Silicon Valley Innovation Center
We help global corporations grow by empowering them with new technologies, top experts and best startups
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AmDocs Innovation Program


Leading Internal Innovation Program


February 3rd-February 5th, 2020


AmDocs, Israel, India, Australia, Singapore


Silicon Valley, CA, USA


What Customers Asked​

AmDocs came to SVIC with a mission to provide its participants with practical insights and experience in digital transformation and the future of business, internal innovation practices.

What We Did

This program has been designed to give participants insights into the best practices of the innovation management inside the Silicon Valley. A combination of practical workshops, speakers’ series and conversation with various managerial teams will equip AmDocs with both knowledge & methods to be ready for the today’s and tomorrow’s disruption.

Results & Outcomes

Agenda has been designed around the goal of providing holistic view on modern startup’s and tech giants’ ecosystem: from seeding, to acceleration, to unicorn, to mature enterprise. The main focus has been put on the diversity of the companies, topics and speakers. Topics: 1. Onboarding, Fostering and Managing the Disruption 2. Venture Capital in the Big Organizations 3. Overview of the newest technologies applicable to the AmDocs space

Participating companies

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